Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Rather late than never.

Well it has been months since I last posted on this blog.

A lot has happened since, and none of it has really been documented so we'll just call this a fresh start then.

The bike has 10 000km on the clock now, and the only problem in sight is a very sticky 5th geahttp://www.blogger.com/img/gl.link.gifr which is quite difficult to get in and out of.

The good news however is that there is a new Official Buell dealer opening it's doors in Cape Town soon, and hopefully they'll cover the problem under a warranty claim.

Buell land is an exceptionally exciting place since the announcement of the Buell 1125R recently, but I'll leave commentary on that bike until I've ridden one.

One thing is for sure I won't be upgrading, since the trade-in value offered to me has been nothing less than spectacular. Besides I bought this bike for comfort, and a step outside the superbike game.

I was also pleasantly surprised to find a local Buell forum in the form of the Buell Riders Association. Things are a little quiet at this point in time, especially from Cape Town, but I'm sure it will pick up over time.

Here's a little something from an alternative adventure.