Tuesday, October 17, 2006


So after a very long winded internal debate I decided to change my mind on the colour.

I've opted to rather get the Kick Ash (doesn't that just sound so much better?) over the Hero Blue. The logic behind this change of mind is that aftermarket flyscreens are either available in black only, or the Blue can't be colormatched properly.

At the back of my mind I've also had the idea of swapping the tank for the Cherry Bomb colour from the XB12 at some stage, and then the Blue detailing on the Cheese-grater/Tea-strainer would be a bit off.

Sadly the instrument panel is still blue, but then again that matches the blue spring in the suspension and it breaks the all black colour a bit.

Now we just need a couple of polished aluminium extras, and then we've got a real Terminator on our hands.

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